MEDIA RELEASE: Climate justice group vows to continue its work at the wake of election

Climate Justice Taranaki is determined to continue its work for a just world where people and the environment thrive, as election results emerge.

“It is a pretty bleak election outcome for all of us, for the climate, for the poor and marginalised. National and Act will try to open up more oil and gas exploration around Taranaki and across Aotearoa, and do nothing to reduce agricultural emissions. They will offer tax cuts to the rich and shrink public services. Our group is committed to organising a campaign of nonviolent direct action with our friends and allies to oppose further fossil fuel exploration,” said Urs Signer, member of Climate Justice Taranaki.

“We are happy for the Greens and Te Pāti Māori. But in general the shift to the right is bad bad news for our people and Taiao, in the midst of a climate crisis and a global rise of far-right fear and greed, as economies slowly implode and desperation grows. Now is not the time to run and hide, nor to get nasty. We are going to have to draw on some deep inner strength, hold loved ones close and work hard to help politicians and communities make decisions that will help everyone and not widen the divisions,” said Tuhi-Ao Bailey, member of Climate Justice Taranaki.

“We need to be active and get more people involved in climate action. Plenty of people across the community are keen on a wealth tax and climate justice. Let’s use our frustration to mobilise,” said Signer.

Media coverage:

Who wins and who loses in Taranaki with a National government at the helm (Taranaki Daily News, 18 Oct 23)